
Showing posts with the label play 3d video on gear vr

How to Watch GoPro Hero 4 3D Video with Gear VR?

Summary:  Do you want to watch GoPro Hero 4 3D video with Gear VR? Detailed steps about how to convert 3D video for Gear VR will dig a little. Hot search:   3D movie on Oculus Rift DK2  |  3D MTS to 3D tablet  |  MKV to NVIDIA 3D Vision Player With the hotter and hotter popularity of 3D videos, we all would like to enjoy the amazing 3D effects. Do you want to watch GoPro Hero 4 3D video with Gear VR? Detailed steps about how to convert 3D video for Gear VR will dig a little. Virtual 3D world is on its way, just grab it and follow this 3D wave. Gear VR is a 3D virtual reality headset which allows you to experience a virtual reality like ever before. This gear was promoted by Samsung Company which is a big hit on the 3D market. You don’t have to purchase a bulky 3D TV to follow the 3D wave and you can still enjoy the 3D videos even when you travel away. The Samsung Gear VR has plenty of potential, but it is limited by a sparse content store out of the box. ...